I currently conduct research about scientific software development with support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Digital Technology Fund. Previously, I worked in auditory neuroscience research using a variety of mathematical modeling techniques to improve diagnosis and treatment of hearing-related disorders.

My full publication list can be found on Google Scholar.

Select publications

O’Brien, E., & Mick, J. (2024). In the Academy, Data Science Is Lonely: Barriers to Adopting Data Science Methods for Scientific Research. Harvard Data Science Review, 6(2).

O’Brien, G., and Yeatman, J.D. (2021). “Bridging sensory and language theories of dyslexia: Toward a multifactorial model” Developmental Science, 24(3).

O’Brien, G. E., et al. (2018) “Reading ability and phoneme categorization” Scientific Reports 8.1:16842.

O’Brien, G.E., and Rubinstein, J.T. (2016) “The development of biophysical models of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve: single-node and cable models.” Network: Computation in Neural Systems 27.2-3: 135-156.